Organic Cleansing Oil

(1 customer review)



Our Organic Cleansing Oil with Red Clover & Calendula will leave your skin feeling alive again. For beautiful vibrant skin we must retrain the brain! Soap and chemical-based cleaners do not = clean.

Our cleansing oil removes more dirt, makeup and debris than a soap based cleanser. It has the ability to go deep into the entire pore and cleanse the face without leaving your skin dry. Some customers have said “It’s unbelievable”.

Organic Cleansing Oil Benefits

  • restore the skin microbiome
  • gently and effectively clean skin
  • nourish skin with natural vitamins
  • remove dirt and debris
  • remove makeup
  • moisturize & tighten skin
  • help prevent breakouts
  • soothe eczema, psoriasis & other skin conditions
  • increase collagen production

Key Ingredients

  • Red Clover is our powerhouse ingredient in this oil. As we age our skin becomes thinner due to loss of collagen. How does red clover help with our thinning skin? Well, Red clover is concentrated in plant estrogen which stimulates our skins natural collagen production. Over time this will help thicken our skin and also increase the skins overall hydration level. Therefore = less wrinkles!
  • Calendula is a skin soother and is known for restoring elasticity to the skin’s barrier. This beautiful flower is packed tight with anti-inflammatory properties that help banish dark spots, scars, and reddening of the skin.
  • Hemp seed oil is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, it restores the skin barrier, balances oil production and moisturizes without clogging pores.
  • Apricot Kernel Oil is high in Vitamin A and E.
  • Frankincense & Sage essential oil soothes irritation and eliminates toxins all while restoring the epidermis layer for a more youthful appearance.

Instructions: Apply 3-4 pumps onto a clean organic cotton pad and gently wipe away dirt and debris. After cleansing, massage the remainder of the left over oil into your face as a moisturizer.

***We believe natural organic healthy products should NOT cost a small fortune. We aim to keep our prices affordable so everyone can reap the benefits of natural products without breaking the bank!

If you have any questions or an allergy and would like a custom order without essential oils added, please do not hesitate to message me 🙂

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are in no way meant to treat, diagnose, cure or replace medical advice. Know your allergies and test a small patch on the skin before applying.

Pair with our body oils!

Additional information

Weight .15 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 4 × 3 in

1 review for Organic Cleansing Oil

  1. Kelsie Allen

    This cleansing oil is amazing! It works as a cleanser and moisturizer. I wash my makeup off at night, then go in with this. This strips away any excess dirt while keeping my skin hydrated! I struggle with sensitive skin. Most things burn or make me red. NOT THIS STUFF. I can’t ever get too much!! LOVE IT.

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